ETH Zurich — Institut fuer Integrierte Systeme (Prof. L. Benini)
Topic: Collaboration on the development of the LLVM compiler back end for OpenRISC, coupled with the development of ISA optimizations. Results can be found in the following paper: M. Gautschi et al., “Tailoring Instruction-Set Extensions for an Ultra-Low Power Tightly- Coupled Cluster of OpenRISC Cores,” in Very Large ScaleIntegr., 2015, pp. 25–30
People involved: G. Agosta, A. Di Federico, F. Reghenzani
INRIA Rennes — PACAP Research Group (Dr. Erven Rohou)
Topic: Collaboration on split compilation and precision tuning in the context of the OpenMediaPlatform and ANTAREX projects. Results will be presented at the International Conference on Parallel Computing (ParCo 2017) conference in September 2017.
People involved: G. Agosta, S. Cherubin
Purdue University — HexHive Group (Prof. Mathias Payer)
Topic: Collaboration on reverse engineering of assembly code, focusing on function boundary recovery. The results are reported in the following paper: Alessandro Di Federico, Mathias Payer, and Giovanni Agosta. REV.NG: A Unified Binary Analysis Framework for CFG and Function Boundaries Recovery. In CC’17: International Conference on Compiler Construction, 2017.
People involved: A. Di Federico, G. Agosta
EPFL Lausanne – Embedded systems laboratory (Prof. David Atienza)
Topic: Collaboration on designing innovative thermal dissipation, simulation and control strategies for multicore processors and Systems-on-Chip.
People involved: F. Terraneo, W. Fornaciari