Anna Pupykina on “Design and Analysis of Time-Critical Systems”

On Wednesday, October 18th, at 5pm our own PhD student Anna Pupykina will be giving a talk based on her experience at the ACACES Summer School 2017 and what she has learnt in the areas of time-critical systems, focusing in particular on the impact of shared buses, caches, and other resources on response-time analyses.

Below is an abstract of the talk:

Multi-core or many-core platforms are motivated by applications that require high performance, low power, and software programmability. Many applications implemented on such platforms are safety- and some also time-critical. Classical WCET and response-time analyses for hard real-time systems are based on static methods. A critical issue is the reduced predictability of multi-core or many-core platforms resulting from the interference of different applications on shared resources.

For more details, click here.