William Fornaciari
Head of the Lab, Associate Professor
William Fornaciari published six books and over 200 papers, collecting 5 best paper awards, one certification of appreciation from IEEE and holds 3 international patents on low power design. Since 1997 he has been involved in 18 EU- funded international projects. His main research interests cover multi/many core architectures, NoC, low power design, software power estimation, run time resource management, wireless sensor networks, thermal management, and EDA-based design methodologies.
View Prof William Fornaciari full profile.

Giovanni Agosta
Associate Professor
Giovanni Agosta received the Laurea degree in Computer Engineering (2000) and the PhD in Information Technology (2004) from Politecnico di Milano, where he currently is a Researcher with tenure. His main research interests revolve around compiler technology. He has authored more than 80 papers in international journals, conferences and workshops, receiving 4 HiPEAC Awards and 3 Best Paper awards. He has been involved in 8 European funded projects since 2010, holding workpackage and task leader responsibilities. He is a full member of the HiPEAC network, and the organizer of two workshops colocated with the HiPEAC conference.
View Prof Giovanni Agosta full profile.

Alessandro Barenghi
Associate Professor
Alessandro Barenghi obtained his M.Sc. Degree in 2007 and his Ph.D. in 2011 from Politecnico di Milano. The main area of interest for his researches is computer, embedded and network security. In particular, the activity carried out during his doctoral program focused on applied aspects of cryptography. In addition to his interests in computer security, he is also working in the field of formal languages and compilers: his current interest regards techniques for parallel parsing, employing operator precedence grammars.
View Prof Alessandro Barenghi full profile.

Gianluca Palermo
Associate Professor
Gianluca Palermo received the M.Sc. degree in Electronic Engineering in 2002, and the Ph.D degree in Computer Engineering in 2006 from Politecnico di Milano. He is currently an associate professor at Department of Electronics and Information Technology in the same University. Previously he was also consultant engineer in the Low Power Design Group of AST – STMicroelectronics working on network on-chip and research assistant at the Advanced Learning and Research Institute (ALaRI) of the Università della Svizzera italiana (Switzerland). His research interests include design methodologies and architectures for embedded and HPC systems, focusing on AutoTuning aspects.
View Prof Gianluca Palermo full profile.

Gerardo Pelosi
Associate Professor
Gerardo Pelosi received the Laurea degree in Telecommunications Engineering in 2003 and the Ph.D. degree in Computer Engineering and Information Technology in 2007 from Politecnico di Milano. His research fields cover (1) the area of information security and privacy including access control models, models for encrypted data management in relational databases, and secure data outsourcing; (2) the area of applied cryptography including side-channel cryptanalysis, system-level attacks, and efficient hardware and software design of cryptographic algorithms; other research interests are in designing security support into computer architectures and the logic synthesis of combinatorial circuits.
View Prof Gerardo Pelosi full profile.

Carlo Brandolese
Assistant Professor
Carlo Brandolese is a researcher at the Department of Electronics and Information of the Politecnico di Milano and a consultant researcher at Cefriel Research Centre. His research interests are focused on design and low-power methodologies for embedded systems.
View Prof Carlo Brandolese full profile.

Giuseppe Massari
Assistant Professor
Giuseppe Massari is an Assistant Professor at Politecnico di Milano. He has a PhD in Information Engineering. His main area of expertise is focused on run-time resource management techniques for embedded and HPC computing platforms, based on heterogeneous processing units (multi-core, many-core processors, GPUs, FPGA, HW accelerators).
He is the head developer of the BarbequeRTRM, an open source run-time resource manager developed at Politecnico di Milano.
View Dr Giuseppe Massari full profile.

Federico Reghenzani
Assistant Professor
Federico Reghenzani received his PhD degree from Politecnico di Milano in January 2021. He is currently a researcher working on real-time systems and embedded computing. His research interests are on probabilistic real-time, mixed-criticality systems, fault tolerance, and embedded Linux systems.
View Federico Reghenzani full profile.

Federico Terraneo
Assistant Professor
Federico Terraneo received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in computer engineering from the Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy, and his Ph.D. degree in Information Technology from Politecnico di Milano in 2015. Currently he holds a Postdoc position at Politecnico di Milano.
His research interests include embedded systems and the application of principles of control theory to the design of software systems.
Since 2008 he has been the main developer and maintainer of the Miosix embedded operating system.
View Dr Federico Terraneo full profile.

Davide Zoni
Assistant Professor
Davide Zoni received the Master Degree in Computer Engineering in 2010 and the Ph.D. in Information Technology in 2014, both from Politecnico di Milano, Italy, where he holds a Post-Doc position at DEIB—Dipartimento di Elettronica Informazione e Bioingegneria. His research interests include RTL design and low-power optimizations for multi-cores with particular emphasis on cache coherence protocols, on-chip interconnect and hardware-based side-channel countermeasures.
View Dr Davide Zoni full profile.

Davide Gadioli
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Davide Gadioli received his Bachelor Degree in Computer Engineering from Politecnico di Milano (2010) with a thesis entitled “An autonomous robot that can play hide and seek”. He then finished his Master of Science in Computer Engineering in 2013 defending the thesis entitled “Argo: a framework to support adaptability in multicore architecture”. Since November 2014, he has been a PhD student at Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria (DEIB) of Politecnico di Milano. His main research interests are application-autotuning, autonomic computing and approximate computing.

Michele Piccoli
Research Fellow
Michele Piccoli received his MsC degree from Politecnico di Milano in December 2020. He is currently a research assistant working on model and tools for SCA vulnerability analysis on hardware platforms

Emanuele Vitali
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Emanuele Vitali graduated in 2015 from Politecnico di Milano after completing his Master of Science in Computer Engineering with a thesis on “Code transformation in high level synthesis for iterative stencils”. Since then, he has been working at Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria (DEIB) of Politecnico di Milano, first research fellow and then (from May 2017) as PhD student. He is currently a postdoctoral research fellow. His main research interests include hardware architectures and application auto-tuning.

Davide Baroffio
Research Fellow
Francesco Antognazza
PhD student
Francesco Antognazza is a Ph.D. student at Politecnico di Milano.
He received the M.Sc. degree in Computer Science and Engineering in July 2020, with the thesis titled “Countering side channel attacks in an in-order RISC-V processor with a code morphing based execution mode”.
His research interests include efficient and side channel-resistant hardware implementations of cryptographic primitives, with a particular focus on post-quantum asymmetric cryptosystems.

Daniele Cattaneo
PhD student
Daniele Cattaneo earned his M.Sc graduation cum laude in Computer Science and Engineering in December 2018, with a thesis work based on the architecture and implementation of a mixed precision compiler which exploits the fixed point numerical representation.
Currently he is a Ph.D. student at Politecnico di Milano. His research interests involve embedded systems, compiler technology and software-hardware codesign.

Andrea Galimberti
PhD student
Andrea Galimberti, MSc, is a PhD student at Politecnico di Milano, Italy. He received his MSc degree in Computer Science and Engineering at Politecnico di Milano in 2019. His research interests include computer architectures, hardware-level countermeasures to side-channel attacks, and design of hardware accelerators.

Andrea Gussoni
PhD student
Andrea Gussoni obtained his M.Sc. Degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Politecnico di Milano in October 2018. He joined the HEAP Lab as a Ph.D. student in November 2018. His main research interests are focused on reverse engineering, especially on the development of new decompilation methodologies.

Niccolò Izzo
PhD student
Niccolò Izzo received its Master’s Degree in Computer Science and Engineering in 2017 from Politecnico di Milano (Italy). His thesis work was published as “Software-only Reverse Engineering of Physical (DRAM) Mappings for Rowhammer Attacks” (Costa Brava, Spain, IEEE, 2018).
He developed the Qualcomm® Hexagon™ frontend for the QEMU emulator with rev.ng Srls. He is currently doing an internship at Micron, Vimercate, Italy. His research interests are on Hardware and Software Computer Security, with a focus on secure storage architectures.

Simone Perriello
PhD student
Simone Perriello received his M.Sc. degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy in 2019, with a thesis titled “Design and Development of a quantum circuit to solve the Information Set Decoding problem”. He joined the HEAP Lab as a Ph.D. student in November 2019. His research activity focuses on the following topics: the development of new quantum algorithms, the analysis of their complexity, practical feasibility and scalability on the Quantum Learning Machine provided by AtoS, and applications of quantum techniques to problems in classical computer science and mathematics, with a special focus on cryptography.

Roberto Rocco
PhD student
Roberto Rocco received the M.Sc Degree cum Laude in Computer Science and Engineering in December 2020 at Politecnico di Milano with the thesis “Legio: Fault Resiliency for Embarrassingly Parallel MPI Applications”. Since then, he has been working at the Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria (DEIB) at Politecnico di Milano, first as a research fellow and later, starting from November 2021, as a PhD student. His main research interests include self-adaptive applications, fault tolerance and distributed computing.

PhD Stefano Cherubin
Former Research Fellow
Scholar Profile
PhD Luca Cremona
Former PhD student
Domenico Iezzi
Former PhD student
PhD Simone Libutti
Former PhD student
Scholar Profile
PhD Nicholas Mainardi
Former PhD student
PhD Francesca Micol Rossi
Former Research Fellow
Linkedin profile.
Andrea Marchese
Former PhD student
PhD Anna Pupykina
Former PhD student
PhD Michele Zanella
Former PhD student
Filippo Sciamanna
Former Research Fellow